13 April 2007

The joy of being your own boss

One of the reasons I wanted to be my own boss and start a business was so that I could determine when I worked and who I worked with. Now fair enough, this can mean working long hours, weekends and not switching off - but the rewards are well worth it!

Why, I will give you a couple of examples:

My husband and I own a caravan so that we can take regular holidays whenever we feel like it and also take our beloved 2 dogs with us. We decided to go away for the Easter break and went to a great site in Malvern for 5 days. I took work with me and my O2 XDA device which enables me to send and receive emails from anywhere - therefore I had a relaxing break with my family but also did some work.

Yesterday, my 19 week old daughter Megan had her 3rd set of immunisation injections which meant she was very clingy and miserable for the rest of the day. Now working for myself, I got to spend time with my daughter to soothe her and didn't feel guilty about it as I just did any necessary work when she was asleep - perfect for us both!

I would love to hear other peoples comments on their experiences of being their own boss - please comment.

Until next time,

Emma Walker
CKPA Office Solutions

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.