02 March 2006

Presentation Tips

I thought I would share this article with you to give you a chance to incorporate the tips into any presentations that you do to make sure that you keep the attention of the audience.

The seven lethal mistakes that suck the life out of any presentation
By professional speaker Paul McGee

I’m staggered that after giving a presentation, some delegates remark “Yours was the only talk I didn’t fall asleep in”! What is it about some presenters that makes the audience wish they’d watch the grass grow rather than listen for a minute longer? Here are seven beliefs that lead to woeful presentations:

  • Believing that just because you have a lot of knowledge about a subject that automatically makes you a great speaker (does knowing the words to a song make you a great singer?)
  • Believing that the more facts and information you throw at a person, the more they are likely to retain it
  • Believing that people prefer reading powerpoint slides as opposed to listening to another human being
  • Believing stories are for children and that adults want just the facts
  • Believing that speaking off the cuff is an adequate substitute for planning and preparation
  • Believing that the ‘way’ you deliver your presentation is of little or no importance compared to ‘what’ you say
  • Believing that all presentations must follow a standard format, where the audience listens passively and are only expected to contribute during question time

If you want to be a powerful presenter, it might be time to start changing your beliefs. For further information visit www.PaulMcGee.com

Some simple comments but I think if we look at these whilst working on an important presentation, we can't go wrong.

Until next time,

Emma Walker
CKPA Office Solutions

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