19 April 2007

Improving my email marketing

At the beginning of the year I set myself various targets that I wanted to achieve in my business and one of them was to improve my email marketing campaign.

I decided that I wanted to take my newsletter to the next level and start using a paid subscription service to distribute it. I set a timescale of achieving this goal in April so that my May newsletter will go out with the new service.

So far I have signed up with AWeber as they seem the best 'fit' with what I want to achieve and I know a few colleagues who use it and recommend its service. I would be interested to hear other people's comments on AWeber - please post a comment.

Are you utilising this important marketing facility in your business? If not, I suggest you consider it to see how this can improve your sales. Concerned that you don't have time to manage and maintain a newsletter - hire a Virtual Assistant.

Until next time,

Emma Walker
CKPA Office Solutions

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